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August 18, 2024 Subject:
Great classic film!
Thank you for uploading this film. I could not find it anywhere till I came to Thanks again!
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August 13, 2023 Subject:
Who cares
Who cares if it was sexist.
December 25, 2021 Subject:
It came from beneath the sea. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. Type of Work: Motion Picture Registration Number / Date: RE0000154159 / 1983-01-12 Renewal registration for: LP0000004608 / 1955-04-08 Title: It came from beneath the sea. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. Copyright Claimant: Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH)
Variant title: It came from beneath the sea Names: Columbia Pictures Corporation Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.
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December 24, 2021 Subject:
Old movie, sound not so much
The movie was good, ray harryhausen never disappoints. It was pretty sexist, tho, but let’s let that ride…’50s movies tend to be. The sound, however, was terrible. It sounded like it was recorded in an empty Quonset hanger, or the back of a toilet, Orsen Welles style..or maybe a 15 year old’s mother’s garage. FX was terrific.